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Cpp Freecell Solver Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
ACompareNodesAlgorithm< Data, ConfigData >Abstract, templated compare algorithm class
AFCSGenericStackStorageAbstract, generic stack storage class
AFCSGenericStateStorageAbstract, generic state storage class
AFCSStateWithLocationsMatrixAbstract class to deal with child classes of FCSStateWithLocation
AFreecellGameBoardThe abstract, parent class for all game board generation
AGenericHash< Key, ConfigData >An abstract, generic templated hash class
AGenericTree< Data, ConfigData >An abstract, generic templated tree class
AHashAlgorithm< Key >Abstract, templated hash algorithm class
AisleRiotBeleagueredCastleGameBoardCreate a AisleRiot Beleaguered Castle game
AisleRiotEightOffGameBoardCreate a AisleRiot Eight Off game
AisleRiotFreecellGameBoardCreate a AisleRiot freecell game
AisleRiotGameBoardCreate AisleRiot freecell-like games
AisleRiotKlondikeGameBoardCreate a AisleRiot klondike game
AisleRiotSeahavenTowersGameBoardCreate a AisleRiot Seahaven Towers game
AProcessHashAlgorithm< Key, ConfigData >Abstract, templated algorithm class to perform functions on hash table data
APysolFreecellGameBoardCreate PySol freecell-like games
AVLNode< Data >Templated node class for a templated AVL tree
AVLRedBlackNode< Data >Templated node class for a templated AVL red-black tree
AVLRedBlackTree< Data, ConfigData >A templated red-black tree class
AVLTree< Data, ConfigData >A templated balanced tree class
BoardNameStructure to link a game name string with its enum value
CompareFunctionCompareNodesAlgorithm< Data, ConfigData >Templated compare algorithm class
FCAVLRedBlackTreeStackStorageAVL Red-Black tree stack storage class
FCAVLRedBlackTreeStateStorageAVL Red-Black tree state storage class
FCAVLTreeStackStorageAVL tree stack storage class
FCAVLTreeStateStorageAVL tree state storage class
FCCommandLineArgumentsHandles all command line arguments
FCGLIBHashStackStorageGLIB hash stack storage class
FCGLIBHashStateStorageGLIB hash state storage class
FCGLIBTreeStackStorageGlib tree stack storage class
FCGLIBTreeStateStorageGlib tree state storage class
FCHashItem< Key >Templated item class for the FCInternalHash hash table
FCHashStackStorageGeneric hash stack storage class
FCHashStateStorageGeneric hash state storage class
FCIndirectStateStorageIndirect stack storage class
FCInternalHash< Key, ConfigData >An templated hash class
FCInternalHashStackStorageInternal stack storage class
FCInternalHashStateStorageInternal state storage class
FCRedBlackTreeStackStorageRed-Black tree state and stack storage class
FCRedBlackTreeStateStorageRed-Black tree state storage class
FCSAStarSolvingAlgorithm< SolvingAlgorithmType >A-star method solver
FCSBFSSolvingAlgorithm< SolvingAlgorithmType >Breadth First Search method solver
FCSCardThis class represents card behavior
FCSCompactCardCompact representation of a card
FCSCompactMoveStores information about a move during a game
FCSCompactMoveStackThis class stores a stack of moves
FCSCompactStateCompact representation of a state
FCSCompactStateWithLocations< StateWithLocation >Abstract class representing a compact state in a card game with additional data to process and store it
FCSCompactTalonStateDataCompact data representation of a state for a card game with talons
FCSCompactTalonStateWithLocationsCompact data representation of a state with locations for a card game with talons
FCSDebugCardDebug representation of a card
FCSDebugDisplayInfoDisplays optional debugging information
FCSDebugMoveStores information about a move during a game
FCSDebugMoveStackThis class stores a stack of moves
FCSDebugStackDebug representation of a stack of card
FCSDebugStateDebug representation of a state
FCSDebugStateWithLocations< StateWithLocation >Abstract class representing a debug state in a card game with additional data to process and store it
FCSDebugTalonStateDataDebug data representation of a state for a card game with talons
FCSDebugTalonStateWithLocationsDebug data representation of a state with locations for a card game with talons
FCSDerivedStatesListThis class was formed to avoid several levels of indirection in keeping track of states
FCSDFSSolvingAlgorithm< SolvingAlgorithmType >Depth First Search method solver
FCSFreecellAlgorithmAbstract class that sets up the functions needed to solve a freecell type game
FCSFreecellDataHolds all of the common data for the freecell solver
FCSFreecellSolvingAlgorithmA algorithm class to solve freecell games
FCSIndirectCardIndirect representation of a card
FCSIndirectCardCompareAlgorithm< Data, ConfigData >Compare two indirect state stacks of cards
FCSIndirectStateIndirect representation of a state
FCSIndirectStatesCompareAlgorithm< Data >
FCSIndirectStateWithLocations< StateWithLocation >Abstract class representing a indirect state in a card game with additional data to process and store it
FCSIndirectTalonStateDataIndirect data representation of a state for a card game with talons
FCSIndirectTalonStateWithLocationsIndirect data representation of a state with locations for a card game with talons
FCSMoveStores information about a move during a game
FCSMoveStackThis class stores a stack of moves
FCSOptimizeSolvingAlgorithm< SolvingAlgorithmType >Optimize the solution to a game
FCSPresetClass holding preset information
FCSPresetNameMatches a preset ID with a game name
FCSRandomGenerates a random number
FCSRandomDFSSolvingAlgorithm< SolvingAlgorithmType >Random DFS method solver
FCSSimpleSimonSolvingAlgorithmA algorithm class to solve simple simon games
FCSSoftDFSSolvingAlgorithm< SolvingAlgorithmType >Soft DFS method solver
FCSStateAbstract class representing a state in a card game
FCSStateWithLocationsAbstract class representing a state in a card game with additional data to process and store it
FCSStateWithLocationsLinkedListA simple linked list class for FCSStateWithLocations
FCSStateWithLocationsMatrix< ConcreteClass >Concrete class to deal with child classes of FCSStateWithLocation. ConcreteClass is the child class the 2-dimensional array is created in
FCSTalonSolvingAlgorithmA algorithm class to solve solitare games with talons
FCSTalonStateDataTalon data associated with a state
FCSTalonStateWithLocationsData representation of a state with locations for a card game with talons
FCTreeStackStorageGeneric tree stack storage class
FCTreeStateStorageGeneric tree state storage class
GLIBHash< Key, ConfigData >An templated hash class
GLIBHashNode< Key >Templated item class for the GLIB hash table
GLIBTree< Data, ConfigData >A templated balanced tree class
GLIBTreeNode< Data, ConfigData >Templated node class for a templated GLIB balanced tree
GnomeFreecellGameBoardCreate a Gnome freecell game
MD5HashHash function class
MD5HashAlgorithm< Key >Templated hash algorithm class
MD5StateWithLocationsHashAlgorithmHash algorithm specifically for FCSStateWithLocation classes
MD5TalonStateDataHashAlgorithmHash algorithm specifically for FCSTalonStateData classes
MicrosoftFreecellGameBoardCreate a Microsoft freecell game
PerlHashAlgorithm< Key >Templated hash algorithm class
PriorityQueue< Data >A templated priority queue
PriorityQueueElement< Data >A priority queue element
PysolBakersDozenGameBoardCreate a PySol Baker's Dozen game
PysolBeleagueredCastleGameBoardCreate a PySol Beleaguered Castle game
PysolCitadelGameBoardCreate a PySol Citadel game
PysolDerKatzenschwantzGameBoardCreate a PySol Der Katzenschwantz game
PysolDieSchlangeGameBoardCreate a PySol Die Schlange game
PysolEightOffGameBoardCreate a PySol Eight Off game
PysolFanGameBoardCreate a PySol Fan game
PysolForecellGameBoardCreate a PySol Forecell game
PysolFreecellGameBoardCreate a PySol freecell game
PysolGypsyGameBoardCreate a PySol Gypsy game
PysolKlondikeGameBoardCreate a PySol Klondike game
PysolSeahavenTowersGameBoardCreate a PySol Seahaven Towers game
PysolSimpleSimonGameBoardCreate a PySol Simple Simon game
PysolSmallHarpGameBoardCreate a PySol Small Harp game
PysolWhiteheadGameBoardCreate a PySol Whitehead game
PysolYukonGameBoardCreate a PySol Yukon game
RedBlackNode< Data >Templated node class for a templated red-black tree
RedBlackTree< Data, ConfigData >A templated red-black tree class
RemoveHashAlgorithm< Key, ConfigData >Templated algorithm class that performs a function on hash table data
SimpleCompareNodesAlgorithm< Data, ConfigData >Templated compare algorithm class
SimpleHashAlgorithm< Key >Templated hash algorithm class
TestCommandLineArgumentsTest class of FCCommandLineArguments
TraverseNode< Data >Stores information on the traversal of nodes by the AVL red-black tree

Generated on Sat Nov 5 11:20:16 2005 for Cpp Freecell Solver by  doxygen 1.4.4