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FCSTalonStateWithLocations.h File Reference

This file contains classes dealing with TalonStateWithLocations. More...

#include "FCDebugState.h"
#include "FCCompactState.h"
#include "FCIndirectState.h"
#include "FCSDebugStateWithLocations.h"
#include "FCSCompactStateWithLocations.h"
#include "FCSIndirectStateWithLocations.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


class  FCSDebugTalonStateData
 Debug data representation of a state for a card game with talons. More...
class  FCSDebugTalonStateWithLocations
 Debug data representation of a state with locations for a card game with talons. More...
class  FCSCompactTalonStateData
 Compact data representation of a state for a card game with talons. More...
class  FCSCompactTalonStateWithLocations
 Compact data representation of a state with locations for a card game with talons. More...
class  FCSIndirectTalonStateData
 Indirect data representation of a state for a card game with talons. More...
class  FCSIndirectTalonStateWithLocations
 Indirect data representation of a state with locations for a card game with talons. More...

Detailed Description

Michael Mann
October 2002

Definition in file FCSTalonStateWithLocations.h.

Generated on Sat Nov 5 11:20:16 2005 for Cpp Freecell Solver by  doxygen 1.4.4